import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import Control.Exception
dispatch :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
dispatch "add" = add
dispatch "view" = view
dispatch "remove" = remove
dispatch _ = showUsage
main = do
argv <- getArgs
case argv of
(command:argList) -> dispatch command argList
otherwise -> dispatch "" []
add :: [String] -> IO ()
add [fileName, todoItem] = appendFile fileName $ todoItem ++ "\n"
view :: [String] -> IO ()
view [fileName] = do
contents <- readFile fileName
let todoTasks = lines contents
numberedTasks = zipWith (\n line -> show n ++ ": " ++ line) [0..] todoTasks
putStr $ unlines numberedTasks
remove :: [String] -> IO ()
remove [fileName, numberString] = do
contents <- readFile fileName
let todoTasks = lines contents
number = read numberString
newItems = unlines $ let (ys,zs) = splitAt number todoTasks in ys ++ (tail zs)
bracketOnError (openTempFile "." "temp")
(\(tempName, tempHandle) -> do
hClose tempHandle
removeFile tempName)
(\(tempName, tempHandle) -> do
hPutStr tempHandle newItems
hClose tempHandle
removeFile fileName
renameFile tempName fileName)
showUsage :: [String] -> IO ()
showUsage _ = do
putStrLn "usage: ./todo command args"
putStrLn "command:"
putStrLn " add filename item"
putStrLn " view filename"
putStrLn " remove filename index"
$ ghc --make todo
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( todo.hs, todo.o )
Linking todo ...
$ ./todo add "todo.txt" "Iron the dishes"
$ ./todo view "todo.txt"
0: Iron the dishes
$ ./todo add "todo.txt" "Dust the dog"
$ ./todo view "todo.txt"
0: Iron the dishes
1: Dust the dog
$ ./todo remove "todo.txt" 0
$ ./todo view "todo.txt"
0: Dust the dog
import Data.List
data Label = A | B | C deriving (Show)
data Section = Section { getA :: Int, getB :: Int, getC :: Int} deriving (Show)
type Path = [(Label, Int)]
type RoadSystem = [Section]
roadStep :: (Path, Path) -> Section -> (Path, Path)
roadStep (pathA, pathB) (Section a b c) =
let timeA = sum $ map snd pathA
timeB = sum $ map snd pathB
pathToA = if (timeA+a) <= (timeB+b+c) then (A,a):pathA else (C,c):(B,b):pathB
pathToB = if (timeB+b) <= (timeA+a+c) then (B,b):pathB else (C,c):(A,a):pathA
in (pathToA, pathToB)
optimalPath :: RoadSystem -> Path
optimalPath roadSystem =
let (bestA, bestB) = foldl roadStep ([],[]) roadSystem
in if sum (map snd bestA) <= sum (map snd bestB)
then reverse bestA
else reverse bestB
main = do
contents <- getContents
let threes = map (map read . words) $ lines contents :: [[Int]]
roadSystem = map (\[a,b,c] -> Section a b c) threes
path = optimalPath roadSystem
pathString = concat $ map (show . fst) path
pathTime = sum $ map snd path
putStrLn $ "The best path is: " ++ pathString
putStrLn $ "Time taken: " ++ show pathTime
$ cat >
50 10 30
5 90 20
40 2 15
10 8 0
$ ghc --make -O paths.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( paths.hs, paths.o )
Linking paths ...
$ ./paths <
The best path is: BCACBBC
Time taken: 75